Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Expanding our social networking outreach, choosing a blog home

As we near the purchase of our Domain name and web space, we are experimenting with these two blog sites to see which may work for our writers. So far, we have not employed our discussion board on FaceBook which if it is effective could even replace either blog.

Our Board of Directors met early this month and will open our bank account before the end of the month. We have a CPA in mind for our auditor and the record system is already set up on Quickbooks. I want to welcome our new Board member Dawn Silvario who is working as both Secretary in charge of records, and as our senior VP.

We are looking forward to a more active New year once these essential organizational foundations and legal frameworks are securely in place.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Maintaining a difficult course under uncertainty

We are all faced with an increasing challenge these days that we tend to internalize as "my problem, nobody's business but my own."

Yet, many of the challenges we face in our daily decision-making and choice behavior are shared by millions and are not our personal problems alone.

Each of us are understood by our common behaviors and categorized as groups, such as the group of over-eaters, or the soccer-mom group, or the group of artist and street-performers largely run out of town (City of St. Augustine, FL) by corrupt city and state law enforcement.

If you know of our shared behaviors and our shared challenges, it can give you fresh insight and add to your internal worry mode we use to brood over our fears and such, that internal dialogue we all indulge.

We need to understand how our personal viewpoint at any given moment can be swept up in an emotional frenzy or focused on adapting as needed within the mental framework.

Rigidly holding on to a set mind just drives you into a rut. We all have to learn first how to accept rapid change, then how to look for alternatives to the set-mind, it's always been done this-a-way way of thinking.

Practically, the idea is not to indulge generalizations about your condition (I'm broke and can't pay all my bills), and keep an open mind about your condition without that limiting conclusion.

Which bills, when are each of them due, how far behind are you, how good is your relationship with creditors, can you call and work something out? There are many variables and each represent an alternative way of solving whatever your original problem was thought to be.

The emotion invested in your heartfelt conclusion sets your mind and shuts off your higher creative powers you might otherwise learn how to access.

More later on our mind-skills and life-skills program under development.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Social Networking put to work for the St. Augustine Community

We are proud to announce our FaceBook, Twitter and Blog presence, a presence for which we have a business process in place to sustain it.

With this humble beginning, with your help and God willing, the human race will grow a new, more helpful institution that may actually protect and serve us, the flesh-and-blood human family.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New network opportunities for the community

We are proud to announce our first neighborhood group on FB to help us connect in a new and empowering ways.

Lincolnville is no longer a segregated community with its own business district for shoppers who were not welcomed at the time in white-only stores downtown in the Historic District, the Commercial District and the heart of Minorcan Kingdom where the dragons of commerce operate on St. George street.

If you used to live here and have friends here, if your family is one of the giants or bit players in the International drama of the Civil Rights Movement led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and his group, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, you will want to be apart of our on-going and vibrant community.

We are now quite diverse though thankfully the decendents of Heroes live here and thrive to this day.

This is your neighborhood and I am pleased to live here with all my wonderful neighbors.

Those who have never lived here, you don't know. This is a classic neighborhood where people for blocks know each other. their kids or uncles and like living close to each other.

I love the people here and I am finally home.

Monday, November 16, 2009 more...Tonight I am obviously conflicted, pleased to do what I do and wanting to quit at the same, I'm going to bed
Some customers make me think I could close down this whole operation and say fa-git-about-it, and I wonder again, fresh- why I do what I do.
Music is restoring my last, well-stretched nerve.
I want to thank my social network friends for becoming fans of the smooth moves page on FB-very helpful, thanks everybody:-))

Sunday, November 15, 2009

blessed to be sending a crew out in the morning-very early but that's OK with me, God is good;-)
Fareed Zakaria/GPS on CNN especially good today- the minds of individuals in an attacking terror team

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday Night Live isn't tonight. Somehow thats an indicator but I'm not sure what it might indicate. What things are are not what they are, its all marketing illusion and brand hypnosis
is listening to jackson browne and rearranging my living/work space. Oh the joys of Saturday night:-)

Friday, March 20, 2009

couldn't resist, had to reach out and bite someone- - don't worry no animals were injured in this experience
got red meat from the city's attorneys for the stew- -uuhmm -uuuhmmmm. City asked for a continuance and fed me important information in the process.
has begun to growl, not a good sign.
is stirring the cauldron, the stew is simmering, should be done in time for Mondays big bash;-)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ok, it didn't take from the blackberry but I will try again tomorrow-good night
Now I have to check linkedin, twitter, facebook, myspace and hi5 to see if this worked. Anybody else trying this stuff?
is using to update all my social networking apps at once, just as an experiment- like driving a double tractor-trailer down the interstate for the first time- scary! 6 at once:-)